How do we explain Quaker Meeting for Worship?
Here is some language that we use in our community as a beginning or an opening...
Meeting for Worship at Sidwell Friends Lower School
Sidwell Friends School has Meeting for Worship as a part of its curriculum, believing in its important contribution to the school community. Even the youngest students are taught how to use moments of silence effectively.
Quaker Meeting for Worship is silent. No one leads the group in ceremony. Quakers believe people can guide themselves toward their own truth, and that silence is the context in which this process can occur. A first-time observer of an adult Quaker Meeting for Worship might say, “Nothing is happening. They just sit there.” Likewise, a visitor to a Lower School Meeting for Worship might say, “The children are wiggling. They can’t possibly be getting anything out of this.” Is there more happening than meets the eye? Is the effort one must make to reach silence worth it? We believe it is.
On e morning each week, the entire Lower School is engaged in meeting for worship for a period of about twenty minutes (the Middle and Upper School also have their dedicated time for Meeting for Worship weekly, for 45 - 60 minutes). During the Meeting for Worship, the teachers or a student clerk will read a current query. Queries are open-ended questions which are stated simply and have many possible answers. Classes take turns carefully formulating a query for the entire school to consider and reflect upon. Sometimes the teacher may choose to read a story or poem to their class before or during the silence in order to give the children an idea to focus on. But the silence is also cherished for its own power. We learn that sometimes the silence is the message.
In addition to the weekly Meeting for Worship, each class begins each day with a period of silence. During these times teachers help children become comfortable with silence and encourage them to make good use of it. Simply establishing silence for a few moments is quite a powerful accomplishment for any class of 4 -10 year olds. Central to the purpose of a meeting for worship is an acceptance of what another individual believes is important. This idea has a powerful trickle over (trickle on... trickle through... ) effect into other areas of teaching and learning for our students and faculty. Meeting for Worship ends when a previously selected member of the group (student clerk) turns to a neighbor, puts their hand to their chest and then waves at or shakes their hand. We strive to make a purposeful moment of eye contact with our neighbor in order to re-connect ourselves joyfully and with a stronger sense of community.
A few details about our Faith & Practice:
As Robert Smith describes in The Quaker Book of Wisdom:
“Friends believe that each individual has access to God through the powerful illumination of the light within, they worship in silence, joined in waiting for God to speak to them directly…”
Meeting for Worship is a time for listening to that still small voice for vocal ministry, as opposed to sharing “whatever is on your mind". Quakers are waiting for messages from God that might give the Meeting something to learn or grow from. What aspect of your faith identity might be your still small voice? We hold a long silence between messages to give them (the message) time to “settle.”
Notes around our expectations for and of Meeting for Worship:
*Meeting begins as soon as the first person sits down – silence should grow from that.
*We are sharing active silence and expectant waiting as we wait to receive a message that is appropriate for the group – something we can all connect with or learn from.
*The reason we face inwardly is so that no one member of the group is the teacher/minister – we are in community together – we are all potential teachers/ministers.
*Someone will serve as clerk to close the Meeting with the transfer from heart to hand, indicating to others that they should also wave, smile, make purposeful eye contact with each other.
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