What is Special about a Quaker Education?

 "Quaker education seeks to nurture a particular sort of personhood ... a person who has learned that truth, beauty, goodness, and love are evidence of the transforming power of the Spirit among us; a person who regards all of life as potentially revelatory of the Spirit and everywhere imbued with meaning; a person who is optimistic about the capacity of love and goodwill to mend the affairs of humanity; a person who has begun to develop the courage to testify outwardly what he or she knows inwardly; a person who has the courage to follow the inward argument where it leads." —Samuel Caldwell, "Toward a Clearer View of Quaker Education," Friends Council on Education publication

What Samuel Caldwell describes gets at to the heart of the meaning of the phrases "let your life speak" and "lead in the Light". In these incredibly complex and quickly evolving times, there is a profound hopefulness to be found the sort of personhood a Quaker education seeks to bring forth.

(Quoted from the Sidwell Friends School website.)


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