A Query for Remote/Crisis Learning

This week we will begin distance learning as a school community.

We believe that it is more important than ever that we hold onto core elements of our Quaker identity.

We must continue to think about how we might let our lives speak and our lights shine during a confusing, unsteady, and often scary time.

Regardless of circumstance, we are still called to reflection and action. What might that look like for our young learners as we embark on new and strange times of social distancing, online learning, lack of face to face connection?

We will begin with a Query.

Consider the big idea of your individual responsibility to the community.

  • Why does the role of the individual matter? 
  • How does each person's actions affect the immediate community? Why does that matter? 
  • How might this affect the goings on in our world?

Reflect using art, writing, making, playing...

What query or queries might serve our community as we proceed?

Holding you all in the light.

For added information about queries:

Types of thinking encouraged: 

  • Develop Questions
  • Explore in Depth
  • Construct Narratives
  • Examine Differing Points of View
  • Begin to develop sensitivity to big ideas
  • Deepen emerging understandings about global questions/challenges



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