Communicating about Meeting for Worship with attention...
At Lower School, we recently found ourselves with a schedule conflict and a need to adjust our Meeting for Worship time and focus for one day.
We have decided to celebrate Diwali and follow it with a special Meeting for Worship with an attention to culture and identity.
Below is our plan for our Meeting in November that falls on Diwali:
We will enjoy a Diwali celebration assembly in the Multipurpose Room. In order to maintain our faith and practice, we will still have Meeting for Worship - we will have a Meeting for Worship with an attention to celebrating culture and identity!
Each class will have Meeting on its own, at a time that makes the most sense to you.
We are shifting the attention of Meeting for this Tuesday to one of considering the connections, influences, similarities, and wonderful differences between our Diwali experience and our own individual identities and that of our Quaker (school) community.
In preparation for this Meeting, you might consider the following questions:
What stood out for you at the Diwali celebration?
What was familiar?
What was surprising?
In what ways might this connect to Quaker ideas or practices?
What do you wonder?
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