Carrot Poster of Testimonies

We print this in a variety of sizes and have them posted around the school, including individual classrooms, in order to make Quakerism more visible. The poster sized versions allow teachers and students to interact with and refer to the testimonies in a variety of ways and disciplines.

In our ongoing journey to make Quakerism more visible and more a part of our physical and verbal culture here at our Lower School, we are thrilled to be able to share the above poster for your classroom display/use/conversations.  This is a simple representation of the Quaker Testimonies that we most use here – Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, Stewardship.  Our intent is to make the process of displaying and discussing these Testimonies as easy on all of you as possible  You may prefer to create your own version of these Testimonies and that is completely fine.  

We hope that having one of these posters visible in your classroom will inspire frequent conversations and encourage some thinking and sharing!

*Feel free to print and use or contact me for the .jpeg file.


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