Lunar New Year 20 - Interfaith Practice
We are in the midst of the Lunar New Year! Happy Year of the dragon! photo by Rutpratheep Nilpechr on unsplash Did you know that Lunar New Year is not just celebrated in China? C ountries that celebrate Lunar New Year include Vietnam, Korea, Tibet, Mongolia, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, and the Okinawan community in Japan. It is called Seollal (Korea), Tet (Vietnam), Losar (Tibet), and Tsangaan Sar (Mongolia). As a lower school community, we embrace the opportunity to learn about this celebration. My hope for my students is that they learn to approach every new opportunity with curiosity and openness. Rather than notice differences or ideas of shock or strangeness, imagine holding space for wonder! As a way to encourage this approach, I have created an extended thinking routine of sorts. It is our interfaith dialog and education thinking routine. We use...